Pomegranate Vinegar is an outstanding product because it provides you three times more antioxidants than red wine and any green or herbal tea. It is a powerhouse of potassium, folic acid, acetic acid, calcium punicic acid and Riboflavin which are proven as a disease fighter in case of stomach related problems, bad cholesterol, joint pain and breathing problems. The reason behind this fruit being divine is its Tridoshnashak properties as per Ayurveda, means this can be taken by person having all kind of Doshas.Its anti-viral and anti infection properties perform as a saviour against all types of cough related allergies.Brewtane Pomegranate Vinegar an exclusive health tonic is extracted from Seinevyi variety of Pomegranates, the most popular tree, is a large, soft seeded and sweet super fruit.This is made from hand picked and purely organically cropped pomegranates. Brewtane has made this product with cold press fermentation process to deliver it to you with same nutrition and mineral values.It is 100% natural, raw, crude, unfiltered and unpasteurized product.
AYURTH an ecommerce platform having Ayurveda and Herbal products that can be shared directly with customers. Ayurth with its representative across PAN India will work with industry experts to provide best in class product and treatment for end customers. This ensures customers to avail consultation and medication with its off the shelf or customized products.